Hey guys!!!
New post , with a old-new project!
For the first time everrrr, I’m collaborating an Israel leading brand named – TNT , and together , we got a perfect t-shirt collection !!!
The hole collection is inspired by a few motives .
First , it was very important to me to bring up the self confidence in girls , that’s why the a leading quote in this hole collection is
“Being me is amazing” .
This quote literally transmission every girl to love her self as she is , to be true and just bring her confidence UP! Because if you won’t love yourself as you are , who will?
Besides that, I believe that every person looks best when he is comfortable . That’s why it is a full collection of t-shirt . Very cool , young , fresh , led by the monochromic colors : white, black and grey. Due to the fact it is a collection designed by me , I wanted to add my favorite color as well – PINK! Cause , everything looks better at pink.
This project is super important to me. It is the very first time I’m taking part at design . I’ve learned about the hole fashion business from a total different perspective , and I can’t wait for it to happened again.
More over , SUPER DUPER Announcement!!!
My very own HAT COLLECTION is soon to be out!
W a I t f o r I t !!!!!!!